How to choose the thickness of color steel coil?

2024/04/01 10:06

Color steel coil is widely used, can be used as a wall, can also be used as a roof, the application field is different, its thickness choice is not the same. If it is used as a roof, it is recommended that its thickness be above 0.8mm, and the width of the roof should also be as small as possible, which can be conducive to drainage; If the building material is used as a wall, it is recommended that its thickness be below 0.8mm, and the width of the wall should be the larger the better, because for the wall, the lower the crest, the more beautiful it looks, so it is more practical and the effect is better.

With the above, we can determine its thickness according to the application field of color steel coil, and then choose the appropriate model according to its thickness, so that it can play its due role in the field of garage doors, rolling doors and Windows, home appliances, etc., extend its service life, and make it better play a comprehensive cost performance.

How to choose the thickness of color steel coil? How to choose the thickness of color steel coil?

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